> We should not forbid any translations, and 
> we should think about it for the future, 
> but for now we should _strongly focus_ on English, 
> unless we want to create 3-4 incomplete 
> (but multilanguage!) docs, instead of 1 
> complete one :)
> Brgds,
> Viktor

Exactly. I fully agree.

By the way I'm not able to write one row of Harbour documentation: it's too far 
from my skills. 

Otherwise, if a group (I remember April White and Chen Kedem in the first time) 
of documentors will need some help for little tasks like proofreader for 
example, I'm available.


ps. It's saturday (not only for me, at least)..... I'm coming from two days of 
headache and my job is one light-year far from Clipper-Harbour-xbase dialect, 
so this is like a hobby for me now and I spent my (little) free time following 
little web programming and the future of Clipper ... but what about all of you 
that stay in front of a screen on saturday night ???? 


Ciao a tutti,

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