Thank you for the reply. The smoke clears. I want to read your reply a few more times. Yes, I did mis-speak, should have used "octets" instead of "quartiles." Got it!

The first paragraph makes perfect sense. Got it.

Second paragraph makes sense also, but I was advised to use the subnet mask. I did try it. It did not work well. I now use a netmask of This works perfectly now even though I have chosen to use the class A series.

Paragraph 3, about the router is still confusing. If I gave my router/gateway an IP addy of, would I not also have to use a netmask of for the 3rd and 4th octets to have any meaning/control?

Do not know how to answer Paragraph 4. Who/What would I "share" my xdsl link with? I do use a router, a DLink DGL-4300. The recc came from Hayes. I chose it mainly for its' strong SPI firewall. It does offer WIFY, but I have that disabled. I am a hard-wire guy.

Yes, you are making very much sense. It has just been so many years since I had broadband, I'm afraid I forgot much of the edge I had back in 1999-2000 from previous List training.

I will come back later regarding the balance of your very good share. ATM, the LAN, router, and clients all seem to be happy after late last night's re-address party! More later after study.
Thank you so much.

At 10:38 10/30/2007 -0700, you wrote:
Simple answer is that a Private Class C network with a subnet mask is fine for you. This would create a local network allowing up to 254 hosts (machines, computers, whatever). If my math is right, 254 is way bigger than than 7 :)

When using this subnet you must make sure the first three quartiles are the exact same. All hosts need to have matching IPs except for the fourth set. If you want to make use of the entire block of 192.168.x.x then use (But why would you need a lan of 65 thousand addresses?)

Customarily a router/gateway is assigned an IP like or, since 1 and 254 are the first and last IP address that can be used in the last quartile. Your computers, slingbox, nintendo wii, voip phone, and like can then be assigned addresses ranging from 1-253 or 2-254 depending on which one you choose for your gateway.

Are you going to share a DSL or Cable internet connection? Do you already have a router or were you turning a PC into a server/gateway/router?

~~ More drawn own discussion below ~~

Since computers use binary the proper term, for what you refer to as a quartile, is actually an octet. Binary is ugly for people to read and remember so we write IPs in a decimal form 'aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd'

Anyway, the local network is defined by the subnet and ip that you assign.

If you use as a subnet mask with a Class C network, then essentially you are dividing up 192.168.x.x into 256 local networks that can each have 254 hosts. A computer/machine/host/whatever will only be able to talk to others that are using an IP that match the first three octets 192.168.1.x, 192.168.2.x, 192.168.3.x, etc. ('x' can be a value from 1 to 254, 0 and 255 are reserved). A computer on 192.168.2.x can't talk to a computer on 192.168.3.x.

Data bound for an address outside the scope of your local network, such as the internet, would have the packets sent to your router/gateway. (The gateway should be your router. A consumer router is actually several things its a gateway, a router, a switch, a firewall, and often times a wireless access point.)

If you were to use a different subnet like and it would create a local network with 16 addresses. This would means you could have 16 subnets on a single Class C block. (LAN 1), (LAN 2), (LAN 3), etc. The entire 192.168.x block would be divided into 4000+ seperate networks.

A subnet of would turn the whole 192.168 block into your local network. Any machine with an ip in the range of 192.168.0-255.x could talk to each other.

I hope I'm making some sense...

-Tharin O.

DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can I ask for some more expansion on the below send? This may be the
critical link!

At 16:02 10/29/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>The subnet mask will determine the range of IP addresses that will be in
>your local network. Your local network being the computers/devices you
>have direct access to send data without needing to be handled through a router.
>How did you need to apply this knowledge?? Are you configuring a router or
>small network in your home??

I was trying to have 2 subnets. Perhaps I did it wrong/badly. I have given up!
Why is the "...needing to be handled through a router...." part of this
This may be my confusion....


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