This is interesting what you say about the Windows file sharing and what not. I 
always blew off any slowness/stalling when browsing the workgroup to just 
another crappy bonus of Microsoft Windows. Whenever I would observe this sort 
of behavior it would happen on one or two workstations but not all of them.. 
eventually it would seem to straighten up. I will probably do a little 
experimenting the next time I'm setting up a little Windows based peer-to-peer 

-Tharin O.

DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:<snip>

 I am still reading over your explanation of subnet qualification via the 4th 
octet of the netmask. Think I'm going to make it into a chart for the wall!  
This has been a very instructive 2.5 weeks. I am smarter now with your shares, 
and the shares of j maccraw, but I am still really afraid to try the class C IP 
addy series.  It just does not seem to work here. Perhaps something very subtle 
on my LAN, and I have not found it in the last 8 years. And, I freely admit it 
is my fault. The machines are so much "smarter" than I feel sometimes.  LOL!

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