The server troubleshooting is on. I took the raid-cage loose from the server and found big time dust bunnies. Hmm. Seems I missed my June PM-another machine crash as my records show.
Power on-goes to previously reported BSOD. OK, not dust bunnies.

I then replaced the main scsi cable from the Adaptec controller to the raid-cage with a same-same cable removed from another working scsi client.
Power on-goes to previously reported BSOD. Hmm.....perhaps not the cable?

I do not have a spare Adaptec 3200S. Not even sure if it is still available.

Still confused by why Windows will not complete a boot w/raid in a degraded mode. So, I decide to try and boot using all combinations of 2 of the 3 drives. This appears to now point to a potential failed drive (0:5). This is my new failure matrix:

Make drive 0:1 and 0:3 hot: server completes post, windows starts boot, displays the bottom screen ruler, W2K opening screen appears and the progress meter completes, screen then goes to the previously reported BSOD.

Make drive 0:3 and 0:5 hot: server completes post, black screen w/ "-Operating System not found."

Make drive 0:1 and 0:5 hot: server completes post, black screen w/ "-Operating System not found."

I have even checked this logic letting the drives use my other two "spare" slots of 2 and 4. The results are the same. So I do think at least my raid cage is OK. Yes, the Adaptec controller could still be suspect.

ATM, my conclusion is that the drive in position 0:5 is toast. Even though it spins up and appears to answer commands (yellow LED) along with the other two raid members. Drive 0:5's yellow LED only stops blinking once the Adaptec controller sets the alarm on. The windows boot continues to the eventual BSOD.

I remain confused about why Windows will not complete a boot with a degraded raid as I've been told it should. Any ideas would be helpful. I am sure I followed all the proper steps when I rebuilt this server some time back.

In the am I will begin the drive replacement business. Thank you for any suggestions.

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