* demerphq <demer...@gmail.com> [2010-12-22 01:30]:
> Actually yes they do. Amongst the computer users I know as
> friends, the majority use linux (ubuntu) or use windows, and
> prefer it that way. Several even tried apples and then turned
> back.

Because the plural of anecdote is not data, let me add that the
guy at work who staked the Mac we got now dislikes it so much he
wants to have a Windows machine.

I tried to work on it for a while. What got to me was needing
both the Meta and Option keys in terminal windows[^1], but only
being able to have either of them at a time depending on prefs.
This got so hateful so quickly that I gave up on it. I would
probably have liked the Mac well enough otherwise but the shell
is such a big part of what I do that I can tolerate no compromise
about it; in fact I now wonder how those who call Mac OS a better
Unix tolerate it. Did I miss something? Then it is well hidden.

[^1] I think it was something like needing Option to be able to
     enter backslashes and tildas because they can only be input
     as chords, but needing Meta as well, eg. for Meta-b/Meta-f
     word-wise jumping in bash's line editor.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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