Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:
> "That is fair as well. What you are missing however is that they CAN see 
> it. Just not in the default list."
> 90% of players do not click the custom tab, therefore, they will not see my
> server.

We already discussed why your numbers are off. Your 90% I assume is 
coming from your stats page.

> "It's fair for valve to ask that indifferent players play their first 
> game on vanilla servers. It's also fair to set the default to vanilla as 
> well (better base of players to balance maps and such)."
> Let players decide what they want to play. Show them all of the servers at
> once and have the tags visible. Hell, they can put a "custom" icon next to
> custom servers that when a player hovers over it, it shows a list of tags.

They do have that choice. I just don't think it's fair that people have 
populated the wrong tab, therefore, removing choice from those who don't 
want to play on custom servers.

> What is important is that indifferent players see our servers!

Why? I thought you didn't want indifferent players?

> Don't forget, that custom game play mods that do not append tags will still
> be on the internet list without the server admin doing anything.
> That server admin can either be ignorant about the tags, or decide not to
> append the tags cause of the traffic issue. 
> The resule? Custom servers can still appear in the internet list without
> admins doing anything evil.

That is a fault I will agree with you with. Server Admins who are 
blacklisted because of ignorance need to be able to fix the issue and be 

> What if I add a grapple hook? Does valve tell me I have to use sv_tags?

I believe they said that in a previous email.

> "Ok. So by hand, you do this? What is your standard for determining if 
> someone is doing this?"
> Have you seen my queries page?
> http://www.voogru.com/server/queries.php

Yes. I saw it. Hence why I am commenting on it.

> If you query either of my servers over 100 times, your IP address will be up
> top with how many times you have queried my server.

So what is your standard? That was the question. If it shows up 20 
times.. Is that to much? 10? 5? 50? What about timespan? I admit, it's 
an extreme case, but what if I'm one of the few people online at 3am and 
I refresh a few times. Does that remove me from the list because you see 
more then 1 in a row?

Without rules on what you consider "spamming", you are appearing to say, 
"Whatever I want to consider spamming, I will and remove those results". 
This is not a proper way to conduct this sort of test.

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