Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:
> "We already discussed why your numbers are off. Your 90% I assume is 
> coming from your stats page."
> I can never win can I?
> First they say "You don't have proof"
> So I take the effort to collect proof.
> Then they say "Your proof is flawed"
> If my proof is flawed, run your own experiment to counter mine. I make my
> proof available and easy to access.

I would love to. But I can't. I will say that your proof is probably the 
best we can get outside of valve. But that still doesn't mean that it is 
not flawed for the reasons I named. It just can't be used for proof.

> "Why? I thought you didn't want indifferent players?"
> I don't want players on my server who dislike fast respawn, or dislike 30
> player servers.

My mistake then. Indifferent you want. hating your options, you don't.

> "So what is your standard? That was the question. If it shows up 20 
> times.. Is that to much? 10? 5? 50? What about timespan? I admit, it's 
> an extreme case, but what if I'm one of the few people online at 3am and 
> I refresh a few times. Does that remove me from the list because you see 
> more then 1 in a row?"
> 100 queries = reported on page. These numbers are still used in the overall
> totals. This number may be increased as the experiment goes on. 
> The only queries I ignore are if both servers are queried at the same exact
> time. If that is the case the person used the out of game steam browser. I
> blatantly report that on the page indicating that I am removing that number
> from the totals.

I wasn't questioning that. What I was questioning is the player who 
refreshes. So if you don't ignore those, what's to stop someone from 
refreshing the custom tab several times a minute to alter the stats?

Perhaps you should remove results that take place from the same IP 
within 1 min?

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