FUCK FACE STOP WRITE> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> 
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 12:20:11 -0400> Subject: Re: [hlds] Internet Tab VS 
Custom Tab> > "I would thank you to keep this civil and not put words in my 
mouth. I> merely pointed out a possible flaw in your logic on this."> > Well, 
if the tabs system is advanced, there probably won't be custom servers> to go 
to in 6 months.> > Servers need traffic to survive. If a player would like to 
filter me out,> that's fine with me. But that should only be if the player 
filters me out> with the filter options.> > If all of the servers showed up on 
one tab, and had the filtering options> available from the custom tab, tags 
being on the server queries would> attract players. And players who don't care 
can still see my server> (although they can see it has tags).> > I want players 
who want custom servers, to be able to find me.> I want players who want 
standard servers, to be able to filter me out.> - We don't want these players! 
They just disconnect anyway!> I want players who do not care, to be able to see 
my server and make a> decision based on the tags my server has on it.> > That's 
all we want.> > "So what's to stop you (or someone else) from constantly 
hitting refresh on> either side to artificially increase the "score"? If you 
doubt that someone> would do this, look at the game "Progress Quest" "> > I 
have made the page show query spammers. These are usually> 
game-monitor/gamespy/myspace (wtf?!) If I see a single IP with hundreds of> 
queries and it's a player who is trying to stain the stats I can remove> them.> 
> I made two brand new servers for this experiment, so the servers are not> 
really public and they are named something random.> > "What time of the day was 
this taken? What was the date? I suspect if it was> 4am on easter night... You 
may have a point. :)"> > 2PM EST> > -----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leonard L. Church> Sent: 
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 11:53 AM> To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing 
list> Subject: Re: [hlds] Internet Tab VS Custom Tab> > What time of the day 
was this taken? What was the date? I suspect if it > was 4am on easter night... 
You may have a point. :)> > > > Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:> > "I know of 
a few great servers that continue to stay packed 24/7> > despite being on the 
Custom tab. "> > > > http://www.voogru.com/images/customtab.jpg> > > > The only 
full server is an illegal nosteam server. This screenshot was> taken> > 
yesterday.> > > > -----Original Message-----> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Eid> > Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 
2008 11:31 AM> > To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list> > Subject: 
Re: [hlds] Internet Tab VS Custom Tab> > > > I wonder what the stats would look 
like if server admins played by the> > rules? I know of a few great servers 
that continue to stay packed 24/7> > despite being on the Custom tab. I'm sure 
people have added them into> their> > Favorites as I have, but I play them 
constantly and see new players all> the> > time. They have to be getting in 
somehow and I think that somehow is the> > Custom tab.> > > > So while everyone 
is forcing themselves to the overcrowded Internet tab,> > these couple of 
servers are getting the prime spotlight being the few that> > are atop the 
Custom list full with players.> > > > You all should try a "Custom tab week" 
whereby you all move your Custom> > servers to the correct place for a week and 
see how it goes.> > > > Once everyone plays by the rules, I think the system 
would work much> better.> > > > On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Leonard L. 
Church> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > wrote:> > > >> Perhaps there is another possible 
reason.> >>> >> 1) Perhaps people are not interested in custom servers as much 
as you> >> may think.> >> 2) Perhaps people don't move to the custom tag 
because most all of the> >> custom servers are in the internet tab currently.> 
>> 3) Your test environment is flawed. When the game starts up and you> >> 
click on "find servers", it defaults to the internet tab. This means if> >> 
someone wants to go to the custom tab, they HAVE to go to the internet> >> tab 
as well. Please delete the total of the custom queries from the> >> internet 
total. Then, what about refreshes? Are you only allowing 1 hit> >> from a 
specific IP within a certain timeframe? What is that timeframe?> >> If not, why 
do you allow refreshes to count on either tab?> >>> >> Not trying to say it 
isn't revealing what your page shows... Just saying> >> that it may not be 
revealing what you expect.> >>> >> Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:> >> > 
Yesterday I decided to do an experiment.> >> >> >> > I have made 2 experimental 
servers. These servers are brand new and> >> have> >> > never been played on. 
They will not be in anyone's favorites or HLSW> >> viewer.> >> > They are not 
real servers and will not accept incoming connections.> >> >> >> > One of the 
servers is on the Internet Tab. The other one is on the> >> Custom> >> > Tab.> 
>> >> >> > Since the out of game server browser does not have a Custom Tab, 
all> >> servers> >> > are displayed on that. Since I really only want to count 
the queries> >> made by> >> > the in-game browser so I am filtering out queries 
if someone queries> >> both> >> > servers at the same exact time, some can leak 
through but I don't> >> think that> >> > will affect the stats too much.> >> >> 
>> > http://www.voogru.com/server/queries.php> >> >> >> > This page is in real 
time and can be refreshed to receive instant> >> updates.> >> >> >> > At of the 
time of this writing, the custom tab servers receive about> >> a 90%> >> > 
reduction in queries, even after players have had the little message> >> > 
explaining the custom tab.> >> >> >> > I wish I would have started this 
experiment sooner.> >> >> >> > - voogru.> >> >> >> >> >> > 
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