I have a problem with community-created banlists, and their adoption by 
server owners (i.e Sourcebans). For example, for my short duration on 
these lists I have seen entire groups, associated groups and their 
members banned due to the wrong-doings of one person. Not only this, but 
some of those bans have been on the basis of misconduct, not neccesarily 
cheating or hacking. But again that goes back to my point of server 
owners being allowed to do their own thing.

Of course if this method of blanket-banning becomes popular, then that 
will mean there is a possibility that those who have been banned 
incorrectly (for just "being" in a targeted group, associated with, or 
have had their account stolent, e.t.c) would find less and less servers 
that they can play on. It's not a great idea.

I believe a better system is a readily-accessibly, ingame (or website 
based for gaming communities) user-content driven ban system, such as a 
method to integrate an ingame chat trigger that could send a Steam chat 
request to a specified SteamID or ChatID (which is provided for in the 
Steam SDK and it's steam:// protocol), or a simple webform that players 
can use via the Steam WEB window, or add a review request to a queue or 
something similar for review. That way, when cheating/misconduct is 
experienced on a particular server, the administrator could then add the 
relevant details to a banlist, which would apply to their own servers, 
instead of unneccesarily blanket-banning.

I believe admins should be more responsible for their own servers, 
instead of relying on a community-driven system that can be abused.

On 10/12/2009 5:47 AM, Phillip Vector wrote:
> Oh.. I agree fully. If someone decided to implement a swear ban
> plug-in, I would be all for it for the server owners who wanted it.
> The only issue I would have is if the maker of said plug-in said that
> swearing is cheating and everyone should ban these people. Then
> provide the server owners with a list of people who cursed calling
> them cheaters.
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Shane Arnold<clontar...@iinet.net.au>  wrote:
>> Haha, oh ouch.
>> Anyway, as msleeper said, server owners can do what they like with their
>> servers.
>> On 10/12/2009 5:31 AM, Phillip Vector wrote:
>>> Yeah. it's not like he's running some kind of list of people he feels
>>> are cheaters and making it seem they deserve to be banned from all the
>>> servers for something like idling.. I also bet he isn't setting up a
>>> server just to catch said idlers either. :)
>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:15 PM, msleeper<mslee...@ismsleeperwrong.com>    
>>> wrote:
>>>> But as I said, your rules are your rules and that is A-Okay with me. I
>>>> don't care what other people do on their own servers, and since I don't
>>>> play there it doesn't matter if I understand why you want to control
>>>> peoples' language in an M rated game. It's your server, more power to
>>>> you.
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