ok, the best solution would be to leave the motd option, but, if the motd.txt 
contains anything other than the default motd.txt that ships via steamcmd... 
the server simply does not get listed in the server browser. I would also go as 
far as to say that the vac secured flag also be set to 0 for those servers.
As for the Valve+Pinion relationship... If Valve is in bed with pinion then why 
are they not listed on the pinion list of customers?! I know why, because it's 
an outright lie. The a-holes collecting pinion funds started the lie to 
legitimize themselves.
   Ok, So all the pro-pinion hijackware guys claim valve is down with their 
program. The research indicates that this is an outright lie. No ad time has 
been purchased by Valve. I am sure there are a few Valve employees that are 
receiving kickbacks for their support of this blatantly unscrupulous activity. 
It may even shed a little light on the fact that good ol' Gabe did some house 
cleaning recently. Anyways.. down to business...
If you want to defeat these dirtbags force-feeding your cpu with hijackware and 
your running a windows machine...
1) Open your hosts file (generally: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ) 
with a good ol' text editor.
2) Add the following to the end of your hosts file...
# Pinion Server Adware  pinion.gg  bin.pinion.gg  cdn.pinion.gg  crm.pinion.gg  delivery.pinion.gg  docs.pinion.gg  kermit.pinion.gg  log.pinion.gg  mail.pinion.gg  motd.pinion.gg
3) Save the file to your desktop.
4) If your text editor added .txt to the file name remove the .txt (select the 
file on your desktop, hit F2 and remove the .txt characters).
5) Copy the host file from your desktop into the 
'C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc' folder and let the new one overwrite the 
existing one.
Enjoy hijackware free gaming!!                                    
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