Hey, I know there's things you guys may want to discuss but this isn't the 
place. This is for server owners to be reminded when there's an update coming. 
100's of people are getting these emails.

If you have a suggestion/proposal for the game, Send it here where they said to 
send it: http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php?recipient=TF+Team

From: hlds <hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com> on behalf of Tim Anderson 
Sent: Friday, 10 November 2017 9:48 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Proposal

Valve is not interested in this idea. They already deleted the
quickplay registration system and every time this is mentioned, people
complain the fee would be unfair to small servers.

The only viable solution that has been suggested is to have some
community contracts. They could make the rewards smaller or untradable
to prevent abuse.

But as people here have said, players already try to abuse the system
by unnatural farming in casual mode, so Valve's dislike of community
servers is more than just economic abuse.

I don't think there is any newfound drive from Valve to fixing TF2.
They have always tried to release 1 large update each year.

The only way community servers will get any sort of concession is if
we keep talking about it instead of remaining silent for the past
year. And you can see how well that silence has served us.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Tohru Adachi <tohruada...@8chan.co> wrote:
> I feel this helps convey what is wrong with the current systems as of right
> now.
> I find it a chore to activate contracts and complete them, mainly because
> there is nothing to stop a cheater from ruining the match, or joining to
> find that almost everyone on your team (and sometimes the enemy team too) is
> just friendlying and/or farming contracts, with virtually no tools to stop
> it, save for the utterly useless vote system since 9 times out of 10, the
> vote will fail.
> This is where I feel community servers would help promote the mentality of
> "play the game" with in-server moderators equipped with the necessary tools,
> while also allowing people to progress on contracts without detracting from
> others' experiences.
> Of course, the specifics of managing this hypothetical system are another
> topic which we should discuss, but I feel that we should be united under the
> fact that, at the very least, community-run servers need a signal boost, and
> that Valve needs to continue to nurture this newfound attention to fixing
> Team Fortress by opening a dialogue with server operators and taking our
> feedback into account, especially with the supposed changes to matchmaking
> still being worked on.
> On 09/11/2017 21:58, Chris Dunphy wrote:
> I agree that contract farmers and friendlies create problems on Casual
> servers. I’ve joined games where it seems like only 5 other people on my
> team are actually playing the game, while the rest are off in some corner
> doing nothing but being Heavy with the Holiday Punch out. They’re not even
> playing the game, they’re off in another world doing nothing but taking up a
> player slot. I wish there was a way to prevent this from happening, but
> there isn’t. I’m not sure if there will ever be. Until then, playing on
> Casual will be a subpar experience.
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