I agree that contract farmers and friendlies create problems on Casual servers. 
I’ve joined games where it seems like only 5 other people on my team are 
actually playing the game, while the rest are off in some corner doing nothing 
but being Heavy with the Holiday Punch out. They’re not even playing the game, 
they’re off in another world doing nothing but taking up a player slot. I wish 
there was a way to prevent this from happening, but there isn’t. I’m not sure 
if there will ever be. Until then, playing on Casual will be a subpar 

From: Josh Russell
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 4:53 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Proposal

I'm not actually really sure why "easy contract farming" is such a big deal for 
this community server population issue.  I don't do it, but contract farmers 
(and friendlies) not paying attention to the objective is a major problem on 
casual servers, as long as they don't have/refuse to go to a social space, or a 
TDM mode, which they seem to want (because, of course they do....), they will 
sit on Casual because they can, and it's easy for them to do.  It's not often 
enough that they will have a votekick be successful against them.  It is also 
not all that much harder (currently) to farm the contracts on Casual servers, 
without paying attention to the objective, anyways, than it would be on a 
contract farming server.

As I said in the beginning, Casual (and probably contracts) should have been 
given 100% to community servers, while having a 12v12 Comp with stricter 
restrictions and punishments.  Some people want a competitive atmosphere and 
balanced matches, but not 6s.  Casual is too much of not that.  While Community 
servers needed a shot in the arm and they didn't get that.  It's just all been 
very mishandled imo.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 4:29 PM, William Bevans <degg...@gmail.com> wrote:
Back to the topic and not the petty drama, I could see Vavle not wanting to do 
this due to the fact that we all know that some community's will find ways to 
abuse it to get easy contract points. Maybe having Community Server only 
contracts will work but even that could be abused.

On Nov 9, 2017 3:26 PM, "James Haikin" <jfrra...@gmail.com> wrote:

No one caaaaaaaaaaaaaares

Go away


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:20 PM, bottige...@gmail.com <bottige...@gmail.com> 
You could have ignored it. You could have just said "Not true, but it's not the 
time and place to discuss it here."

I already stated our reasons for ignoring things like this which we have done 
for many years, and just doesn't work. A weak response like "Not true" and not 
offering any sort of substantial response is not going to convince anyone 

This is exactly the time and the place to discuss it. What exactly do you 
accomplish if you let other people slander you in public and you only respond 
in private??? If you don't refute them in public, then people will just assume 
they are telling the truth.

It is sad that you are all so invested in this idea and terrified that Valve 
will ignore it that you cannot even tolerate 3 replies that weren't really 

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Chris Dunphy <cdunph...@gmail.com> wrote:
Did I say you don’t have the right to respond? You certainly do. Respond if you 
want, but do it literally anywhere else but here. Do not clog up the mailing 
list with this nonsense. This list is not for airing your dirty laundry, which 
I can assure you absolutely nobody on this list cares about.
Take it elsewhere.
From: bottige...@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2017 3:58 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] Proposal
I think that was the most embarrassing little "fight" I've ever seen on a 
mailing list. No serious server owner should be this petty and willing to fight 
on a public mailing list for Team Fortress 2 updates. At least have the decency 
to be childish in private.
I don't think we are being childish for defending ourselves. We ignored things 
like this before and it has led to many lies being spread about us that have 
perpetuated even now like having pay2win or being confused with saigns. If 
someone is going to call us out in public, especially someone that has been 
slandering us for 7 years, we have a right to respond.
I am confused why you are expressing anger towards us when 404 was the one that 
derailed this thread in the first place and blames us for being the reason why 
Valve can't do this proposal when he is guilty of the thing he accuses us of.
This was a choice between defending ourselves, or slightly cluttering up a 
suggestion that probably has 0 chance of being done since it was already 
suggested to Valve many years ago... It was an easy choice to make, and I would 
make the same choice again.
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:22 AM, Chris Dunphy <cdunph...@gmail.com> wrote:
I think that was the most embarrassing little "fight" I've ever seen on a 
mailing list. No serious server owner should be this petty and willing to fight 
on a public mailing list for Team Fortress 2 updates. At least have the decency 
to be childish in private.
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 11:12 AM, James Haikin <jfrra...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey bottiger?

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 7:10 PM, bottige...@gmail.com <bottige...@gmail.com> 
This complaint about economics is a red herring that "404 user not found" was 
just using to slander us. Valve had no problems enforcing the economic rules 
before by making plugin given hats and weapons invisible in the game. If 
particles were really such a big deal, they would've made them invisible 
already. They already actively enforce economic rules in CS:GO, a game where 
community servers are also forced to be inferior to official ones. If throwing 
community servers into the browser solved the econ problem, then why didn't 
they remove invisible hats and weapons? So the reality is that Valve still 
polices the economy regardless of community servers being ghettoized or not. 
Also, back when plugin hats were still possible and rampant, we never used it. 
So to paint us as some kind of serial anti-valve rule breaker is simply wrong.
I think at this point there is no real solution that Valve is interested in 
doing, otherwise they would have done so a lot sooner now that it has been 
what, about 3 years since community servers were removed from quickplay? The 
idea to have white-listing cost money has been suggested many times before and 
while it is a real solution, Valve does not seem to be interested in this given 
the inaction.
As I mentioned earlier, the most we could hope for is to have them throw in a 
few community-server only contracts. But even if Valve somehow agreed with the 
idea, I don't think it would be enough to stop the massive decline that's going 
on right now.
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Rowedahelicon <theoneando...@rowedahelicon.com> 
I think at least to stay on topic, there is a matter of the economy rules Valve 
set in place, which I've always felt have been very vague when it comes into 
really specific cases like this. Ideally speaking, I feel like if what 
constitutes as a "valve approved" server would be very bare bones, but if you 
want to run setups that one would find questionable is why you'd have separate 
servers for that reason
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 8:12 PM, bottige...@gmail.com <bottige...@gmail.com> 
You are upset that this thread is going a little off topic but I am simply 
defending my community and at the same time refuting his silly argument that 
pro-community actions are useless because we abuse Valve's rules.
We used to let accusations like this go uncontested and it resulted in having 
our community being wrongfully mixed up with saigns and other falsehoods. So we 
now aggressively fight them before they can spread.
If he wants to stop his 7 year old grudge for being banned for racism for 1 day 
and getting mad that we charge people for server benefits instead of running 
servers with welfare money like he did, then there wouldn't be any reason to 
I am sure that most people here would do the same instead of keeping quiet.
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:58 PM, Tohru Adachi <tohruada...@8chan.co> wrote:
...Can we please stop with the drama, both of you? This isn't the place for it.
On 09/11/2017 00:53, bottige...@gmail.com wrote:
Where exactly do you see that I'm selling unusuals? Because I'm not. I don't 
sell anything.
Hmm really, you want to prove you are blatantly lying again like you did on 
alliedmods with your alt account abrandnewday.
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*Matthew (Rowedahelicon) Robinson*
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