On Thu, 19 Feb 2015, Pierre Pfister wrote:

- There is a delay between the assignment and the actual use of a prefix. This is called ‘Apply Delay’ in the prefix assignment draft. I don’t think routing based on assigned prefix TLVs is a good idea because you would not try to handle assigned prefixes collisions correctly.


I was not proposing to use the HNCP TLVs for routing. Actually, I wasn't proposing to change the internal use of TLV movement much at all in HNCP, I was proposing to move them to IS-IS and use that to synchronize them instead of using the current transport. I do not see the fundamental difference in syncronizing TLVs between machines by means of HNCP (trickle based) and by means of a link state protocol (ISIS).

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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