Regarding the "Siegfried", you are at the wrong way. A 5´5" man. No
matter how he will sing the role, WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ALL factors must
play TOGETHER. If the singer of Tosca is an old ugly & fat lady, it
doesn´t matter how she sing & how she can endure the big & bowling
laughter after she sang "I dedicated my life to beauty only ....", or in
"Magic Flute": 
Imagine Tamino singing "This picture is so beautiful ..." (holding
Taminas portrait in his hands, when the audience already had seen the
elephant-like soprano ..... The piece would be ruined at once.

Really, it is not a matter of "COURAGE ENDURING THE LAUGHTER", really. 

Fortunately, things for the horn player are not that severe. General
physic conditions & beauty are not inflecting the playing in general.
But irregularities in the mouth area do it,  no matter what kind of
arguments might come up again.

And if you read my letter again & again, if you try to understand that,
you would easily find out, that I do not oppose to any player with
irregularities there, except pointing to the fact, that their
possibilities are limited.

My warnings go in that direction, that the teachers should act more
responsible & point their students to their "defects" or
"irregularities" as future obstacles, if they tend to make a living of
playing the horn. And these warnings are not valid for the horn only,
but for all instruments, for many occupations.

And , please, there are many other countries in the world than the USA.
You are not the only nation, but all others are "third world". 
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] something to think HR


Your ideals are maybe a little too third world for us americans, but
they are 
very true.  Remember that the majority of this list is American and the 
majority of us were raised with the ideal that we could DO anything we
set our 
minds to.  I have a certain medical condition that hinders the way I do
things but If I caved in to the critisism and hate of the world I would
fail as a 
person in all respects.  If I didn't push myself to get out of bed in
morning I have failed as a person.  If I didn't meet the world with a
new face and 
give my all everytime I did anything  I will have failed as a person.
we didn't recieve the same perfection as you did when god made us,
should this 
hinder us from aspiring to be what or who we want to be?  

As for the 5'5" sigfried, if he has the balls to sing it and the courage
get laughed at by an entire community he IS the best person for the job 
regardless of height.  Maybe a perfect person can never know the
tribulation Sigfried 
has gone through without some hardship?  Maybe the 6'3" blond haired
eyed men should rule the world?  Would this make it any better place
than it is 

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