On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Pablo d'Angelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We could then merge the gsoc_integration branch into the trunk and
> contine developing the new functionality for the 0.8 release.
> Any objections?
> ciao
>    Pablo
Hi all,

I haven't been watching the GSOC integration branch very much.  Have all of
the projects been merged in?  At one point I thought the plan was to merge
all of the projects into a single branch, get everything (or most
everything) working then merge it wholesale into the trunk.  It does not
matter much to me if the GSOC projects are brought now or when the
integration branch is finished.  I just don't want to lose track of where
the up to date changes are.

Best Regards,

- Gerry

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