PS  having generated control points with an earlier version of Hugin I
was able to save the project file and  then open it in the current,
released version.  It then performed a stitch as expected producing a
resulting file that I was happy with.    However ... it ended the
stitching process with a pop-up that said:

  Error during Stitching
    Error during Stitching
  Please report the complere text to the bug tracker on

all the best


On Oct 8, 3:06 pm, grow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ippei, Harry,
> I have just tried Ippei's  new release.
> I installed it on my PowerMac G5 machine.
> I also installed your new Autopano-SIFT-C plug-in replacing the
> previous one in "Application Support"
> I opened a recent project and tried using Autopano-SIFT-C to generate
> a few control points ... the plugin selection dialogue was as expected
> and then the running commentary seemed to go as usual but at the end
> a pop-up appeared saying:
> weExecute Error
> Could not execute command /.../Application Support/Hiugin/
> Autopano=SIFT-C 2.5.huginAutoCP/Contents/macOS/autopano-sift-c --
> maxmatches 3 /private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/ap_resJOqSkP /
> private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/ap_inprojrLDkvr
> I tried the same task in the same project using an older version
> (SVN-3390)  and - even with the new Autopano-SIFT plug-in still in
> place - it ran normally and generated the control points as
> requested.
> I am not sure whether this tells you anything you didn't already know.
> all the best
> George
> On Oct 7, 3:22 am, Ippei UKAI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2008-10-06, at 23:42, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> > > Ippei,
> > > for the RC6 George Row mentioned:
> > > >However each time there has been an error message at the end saying
> > > >that "There has been a stitching error - please report the whole
> > > >text" (at least I THINK that is what it said I have sent it away now.
> > > >I have the text in case it is needed ... but I suspect that there has
> > > >NOT been an error really and that the pop-up is a false alarm.
> > > I got the non-fatal error for the exif-tool as mentioned in this  
> > > thread. I think George got the same error. Shouldn't we investigate  
> > > that one before putting a binary up? One day more or less doesn't  
> > > matter and I prefer to put a good binary up otherwise many users  
> > > might complain that the 0.7.0 still contains an error. Especially  
> > > new users might turn away when they encounter such an error which  
> > > might even result in "bad press (reviews)" for Hugin on the web.
> > I thought George's report was on a separate bug where wx execute hack  
> > on PPC affecting even the case that doesn't need the hack hence  
> > leading to the error. The real question is whether ExifTool's minor  
> > error actually leads to displaying the error message on Hugin even on  
> > Intel. If so, that's something we should look at. Otherwise, it's just  
> > a limitation of ExifTool to me.
> > As to the 'press', quality assurance-wise I actually have a very low  
> > expectation from 0.7.0 anyway. Let alone problematic wxMac, as I have  
> > made it clear when we started to use makefile for stitching, use of  
> > multiple executables can easily become a nightmare. Having separate  
> > command line executables may be easier to get something working in  
> > first instance (and certainly is preferred way by Linux users), but it  
> > is hard to make sure it works for 'all' users. Unexpected errors are  
> > thrown out from components (command line programs) that normal users  
> > are not expected to touch, and there are inter-process interactions  
> > that is much harder to debug. If one programmed those components in a  
> > good style having modularity in mind, using that components through  
> > API should be as easy as calling those as external executables. I  
> > still remember the time and effort trying to get old PTOptimiser  
> > executable work from Hugin; we ended up using the functionality  
> > directly from libpano after all. I'm quite happy that 0.7.0 finally  
> > works for 'most' Mac users now, and I know from the past that quality  
> > assurance beyond this point will be an inefficient process that I'm  
> > not willing to afford much time.
> > Ippei
> > > 2008/10/6 Ippei UKAI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > On 2008-10-06, at 07:29, Bruno Postle wrote:
> > > > On Mon 06-Oct-2008 at 00:01 +0200, Erik Krause wrote:
> > > >> Am Sunday, October 05, 2008 um 0:34 schrieb Bruno Postle:
> > > >>> Binary releases are expected to follow in the next few days.
> > > >> I'd be very grateful if there where some. Best available from one
> > > >> place - preferable the sourceforge download page. As soon as there
> > > >> are binaries please announce on PanotoolsNG and other locations as
> > > >> well!
> > > > Yes, will do.
> > > > I expect to see an OS X .dmg soon, but for Windows somebody (not me)
> > > > needs to create an installer - See Yuval's email, subject: "Misc
> > > > release stuff".
> > > Mac binary is up.
> > > Please note the autopano-sift-c plugin is also recompiled with a patch
> > > to handle spaces in path. Please install it again.
> > > Ippei
> > > --
> > >  ->> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei) ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > >   MSN & AIM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Skype: ippei_ukai
> > >   Homepage:
> > --
> >   ->> 鵜飼 一平  (UKAI Ippei) ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >    MSN & AIM: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Skype: ippei_ukai
> >    Homepage:
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