Yuval Levy píše v Ne 27. 09. 2009 v 13:07 -0400:

> What I notice looking at the beautiful movie you linked is that most of 
> the shots are either not spontaneous; or if they are the camera is held 
> like a DSLR and not like a camcorder. Many of the shots look as if the 
> photographer (not videographer) was waiting to capture a specific moment.

This is a correct point where many users of 5D MII agree and what the
marketing speech obviously "forgot" to mention: if one wants to shoot
video as one does with a hand-held camcorder, this camera is not a good
alternative and many point-and-shoot cameras would do better (not in
terms of quality but usability).

The biggest problems are:
x impossibility to use continuous AF
x impractical use of Live View AF during recording (focusing back and
forth takes time and image gets blurred - depending on the lens, of
x need for an external microphone (the built in one records everything
one does on the camera - manual focus, AF, stabilisation, etc..)
x difficult manual focusing due to small and non-tiltable LCD (HD video
has bigger resolution then the LCD and with shallow DOF focusing becomes
x difficult to keep the camera steady during manual focusing or zooming


Milan Knizek
knizek (dot) confy (at) volny (dot) cz
http://www.milan-knizek.net - About linux and photography (Czech
language only)

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