On Mon 30-Nov-2009 at 10:30 -0600, Dale Beams wrote:
> Having a layout would help immensely weather it was uniform or 
> not.  I always shoot from left to right, bottom to top.  I to have 
> a panosaurus head (recently purchased) and it does wonderfully 
> when i can get Hugin to work.  My biggest headaches in Hugin is 
> turning photos because (i've been told, mismatched cp).

The symptom is turned photos, but the cause is a messed-up project.  
This sort of thing should be much improved by apclean, if not we 
need to discover how to make it better.

> On a side note, watching the list and seeing all the ideas, I've 
> wondered if Hugin's original goal has been discarded in favor of 
> new features.

Yes there are some features that have been added in a way that 
complicated the GUI, but on the whole I think Hugin is as good as 
has ever been for the situation where you throw a bunch of handheld 
photos at it and click 1, 2, 3.

> While I think stacking, etc. and a large assortment 
> of photo manipulations is great, shouldn't Hugin do "great" what 
> it originally was intentioned on doing?

I would say yes if the stacking could be done outside of Hugin, but 
enfuse is so useful for creating panoramas and in practice you need 
a panorama stitcher to align the stacks.

> This brings me to my conclusion.  If Hugin were to again focus on 
> it's original intention, a very good pano stitcher and layout 
> program, wouldn't we need a new algorithm for a completely free 
> and oss CP finder program?  I'd like to see Hugin ditch sift and 
> surf for something oss and gpl, and something that worked well.

Yes, the number one Hugin 'bug' is that it doesn't ship with a 
patent-free control point generator.


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