On Mon 30-Nov-2009 at 15:12 -0600, Dale Beams wrote:
> What causes a messed up project?  I purchased a pano head to get 
> better panographs, however, i can recall doing panographs by hand 
> prior and with 0.7.x and having better luck in getting a usable 
> pano than i do with precision taken photos with a pano head.  I 
> suppose this is why I recently been so confused.

A panohead doesn't really help the control point generator, the 
matching process is the same regardless.  Though if you have a 
really good panohead, then you can use a previous project as a 
template and don't need to bother with control points at all.

The control point generators haven't really changed since 0.7.0 was 
released a year ago (except for bug fixes), so I'm suprised that 
things are so different - Do you know what control point generator 
you were using with 0.7.0?


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