On Oct 5, 2:17 am, JeCh <vladimir.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5 říj, 00:36, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> > autopano-sift-c isn't part of Hugin.  It sounds like you have a
> > snapshot of autopano-sift-c, the only version we can recommend is
> > the 2.5.1 release.
> OK, so maybe the installer should link to this older version, because
> the linked 2.5.2 doesn't work. thePanz, could you fix this, please?

I'd like to fix this issue, but I can't find a 2.5.1 release build of
it! :) If you have any link I'm open to fix the installer using the
2.5.1 panomatic build

Regarding the arguments bug: I've already fix them in latest installer
release, I don't know if Mathew provided a new build with my latest
installer script.


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