On Sep 30, 6:46 pm, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> ciao Emanuele,
> On September 30, 2010 09:22:51 am thePanz wrote:
> > Ciao Yuval (I noticed now that this isn't the first time you write me
> > in Italian ;) )
> the image at [0] is about one hour north-west of you (Milano, right?) ;)

Hum, I don't know where Arona exactly is (even if Switzerland is 1
hour far from me) :)
By the way.. did you enjoy Switzerland? ;) Did you also travel to

> done [1].  it's empty now, you can fill it.  integration / sync keeping is not
> critical (like now between bitbucket and SF) can be thought of later.
Thank you Yuv, I'll push all the edits to both repositories (with few
clicks) :)
I'm trying to commit to that repo, but I got this response pushing
changes to it:

pushing to ssh://ep...@hugin.hg.sourceforge.net/hgroot/hugin/windowsSetup
searching for changes
remote: abort: could not lock repository hgroot/hugin/windowsSetup:
Permission denied
('unexpected response:', '')

Maybe I'm not allowed to push to that repository?
Let me know! :)

Cheers! ... Buona Giornata! :)

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