On 26 Feb., 13:30, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Kay,
> > I also changed a few return codes in hpi to avoid potential confusion
> > about which part produces an error.
> Is there some list, what each error code means? So we could add more
> meaningfull messages for users/new python developers, if the script or
> script interface fails. Currently they are only numbers, which does
> not say to much without looking into different places of the source.

Thank you for the commit, Thomas. Really, none of the errors I worked
on should occur under normal circumstances. But now, with the number,
anyone can instantly locate them in the code to track down what went
wrong. There is a pattern, though:

- errors in the minus twenties come from hpi.cpp and indicate a
problem in the interface
- errors in the minus tens come from hpi.py and result from problems
with the plugin
- the plugin itself should return 0 if all is well or a small number
on error

If you want I can make a more detailed list, but I'd like to wait
until we have decided how the plugin interface should be anchored in
the main body of code. You may have read the remainder of my post,
where I ask how this should be done, and I feel any formal
specification at this point in time would be overkill. Once we've
decided on the integration, a proper method to exchange messages,
errors and data can be implemented.


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