On 27 Feb., 09:25, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Just today I thought about how I could modify it
> so that all dependencies to the hsi python module are removed from
> hugin itself. This would mean a totally neutral python interface, and
> the conversion of C++ pointers into python objects would be done by
> code outside hugin. This change of design would mean that...

hmmm... I'll eat my words here and state that having looked into the
matter, the current implementation is the best way. So I won't change
the hpi implementation - and, after all, it does what it's supposed to

I did something else today: in a clean, fresh clone I merged the
python_scripting branch back into the trunk. There were minor
conflicts in three files which were trivial to sort out, and a bit of
code had to be changed in the interface because some headers had moved
or disappeared. No big deal at all. Afterwards I was rewarded with a
Python enabled version of bleedig edge. This is nice, it runs much
more smoothly than whatever was the base for the python_scripting
branch. One thing that puzzled me, though, was that I could only
compile with either BUILD_HSI=ON or =OFF and not compile the other
version later by changing the flag; it would just maintain everything
was built already and not reflect the change of the flag. To be sure
the compile switch worked I checked each setting on a separate clone,
and both versions performed as expected. I hope the python_scripting
branch can be merged back soon before the divergence becomes greater.
The compile switch off allows creation of non-hsi hugin as before, and
with it on, the resulting compile is on the same patch level as trunk.
Sounds like a win-win situation to me ;-)


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