On Sun 27-Feb-2011 at 00:25 -0800, kfj wrote:

You are missing out. I had hoped that you'd be more interested in my project, being of the scripting kind yourself.

I think it going to be very useful and want to play with it (and even learn some python), but am very limited with time at the moment.

Let me point out that SWIG, which I use to generate the Python interface, can generate interfaces for other languages as well (something like two dozen), among them perl. I had suspected you'd start playing with the SWIG code to let it make a perl interface.

Actually I think python is the right language to be using here, since Hugin needs to work on all platforms I expect that the Windows installer will include a pythin interpreter.

Please use 'GPL version 2 or later', this makes it easier to ship
with Hugin.  Are you concerned about how this effects the license of
potential 3rd party plugins?

What I mean is this: hsi, the python module that is generated by SWIG
and contains the hugin functionality, can be imported by any python
script that cares to do so. It's like loading a shared library from an
executable program, in fact, technically, this is just what happens.
But the code that finds it way into the script via this route is
GPLed. Therefore, if I understand things rightly, the module would
have to make itself known as GPL software, prohibit closed-source
users to import it and point a way to it's sources, plus whatever
other requirements the GPL imposes.

We would want people to write their own scripts and not care about this stuff so long as they didn't distribute them.

Hugin is GPL, and changing this (other than to version 3) isn't ever going to be practical given the number of contributors. I don't think having the plugin interface code as LGPL would make any difference to anyone writing plugins.

Sadly, the Python scripting project is slightly stalled currently.
This is due to the Mac side of things - Harry couldn't get it to run,
went away on a holiday and noone else took over. The Linux and Windows
side seems fine and ready to be merged. Harry said to go ahead,
though, never mind the Mac problems. So I hope that maybe we'll soon
have hpi in 'bleeding edge' mainstream and that it can maybe be part
of the next release.

Now that 2011.0.0 has branched, this can happen.


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