On 27 Feb., 00:05, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> Sorry, I haven't had time to look into this.

You are missing out. I had hoped that you'd be more interested in my
project, being of the scripting kind yourself. Let me point out that
SWIG, which I use to generate the Python interface, can generate
interfaces for other languages as well (something like two dozen),
among them perl. I had suspected you'd start playing with the SWIG
code to let it make a perl interface - I made a feeble attempt to do
so, but knowing nothing of perl I gave up at the first hurdle...

> I think initially the
> python interface would be useful even if it presents as a menu of
> functions that don't take any parameters

apart from the currently active panorama, that is. But it's a severe
limitation. For example now I'm working on a plugin that works on
image pairs. I either have to hardcode the image numbers into the
script, write GUI code myself to let a window pop up to ask for them,
or require the user to make the desired images 'active' and
'deactivate' the others. This is not nice. The clean way would be for
the user to highlight the images in question in the image tab and then
call the plugin from the contect menu.

> i.e. it can be merged
> more-or-less in the state it is in.

I think so as well. Just today I thought about how I could modify it
so that all dependencies to the hsi python module are removed from
hugin itself. This would mean a totally neutral python interface, and
the conversion of C++ pointers into python objects would be done by
code outside hugin. This change of design would mean that

- other people would be free to write their own python modules rather
than having to rely on hsi
- hugin would merely be extended by a dependency on python (maybe not
even a run-time dependency, the way I think it can be done is only
require python if the plugin interface is actually used) and not be
dependent on hsi

I feel that this might make the introduction into the mainstream even
less of a concern. I'll look into the matter and report back, with a
bit of luck the changes should be small (couple of days)

> >Then there is an issue I'd like to have considered by the group: the
> >hsi python module could be considered a library, since it can do hugin-
> >ish stuff outside hugin, probably linking in a few shared libraries,
> >but if it was linked statically, not even that. A lot of hugin's code
> >is GPLed. Is there a problem with that?
> Please use 'GPL version 2 or later', this makes it easier to ship
> with Hugin.  Are you concerned about how this effects the license of
> potential 3rd party plugins?

What I mean is this: hsi, the python module that is generated by SWIG
and contains the hugin functionality, can be imported by any python
script that cares to do so. It's like loading a shared library from an
executable program, in fact, technically, this is just what happens.
But the code that finds it way into the script via this route is
GPLed. Therefore, if I understand things rightly, the module would
have to make itself known as GPL software, prohibit closed-source
users to import it and point a way to it's sources, plus whatever
other requirements the GPL imposes. This is why libraries are often
put under LGPL or a similar less restrictive license, so that anyone
can use them with their code, even if they're commercial. I don't want
to infringe upon the rights of any of the hugin contributors by
opening up a route of access to their code that goes against their
licensing of it. This is why I want the issue discussed. I think the
ideal solution would be if the developers who have contributed code
that is exposed via hsi might modify their licensing to allow use of
their code via hsi under a less restrictive license, but if this is
not feasible I want to be certain that all requirements are met to
satisfy the contributors' current licensing under GPL.

> >And one more thing: I'd like to see a discussion about a perspective
> >for merging the python_scripting branch back into the mainstream.
> >Thomas and I have made a good effort to parametrize everything in
> >cmake and make the scripting capability a compile-time option. The
> >intersections with other code are minimal and well #ifdeffed.
> I would like to see the current Hugin 'trunk' move to a 2011.0.0
> release branch as soon as possible.  So the python interface should
> then be merged so that it goes into the next release after that.

Sadly, the Python scripting project is slightly stalled currently.
This is due to the Mac side of things - Harry couldn't get it to run,
went away on a holiday and noone else took over. The Linux and Windows
side seems fine and ready to be merged. Harry said to go ahead,
though, never mind the Mac problems. So I hope that maybe we'll soon
have hpi in 'bleeding edge' mainstream and that it can maybe be part
of the next release.


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