wdonze...@gmail.com (William Donzelli) writes:
> Was this effort in some way related, or in competition with, the UC
> series of controllers? Quite a lot of machines used those internally,
> and they even popped out with the 8100 series (the mainframes that
> have fallen into the memory hole).

http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2012l.html#72 zEC12, and previous generations, 
"why?" type question - GPU computing
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2012l.html#74 zEC12, and previous generations, 
"why?" type question - GPU computing
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2012l.html#77 zEC12, and previous generations, 
"why?" type question - GPU computing
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2012l.html#79 zEC12, and previous generations, 
"why?" type question - GPU computing

uc controllers were much simpler, earlier (and underpowered) processors,
3705, 8100, service processor for 3081, etc. early on before 3705 was
announced there was a strong effort at the science center to get cpd to
use peachtree for 3705 (instead of uc) ... peachtree was much more
powerful processor and was used in series/1. 

UCs would have been part of the internal microprocessors replaced by
801, the 801 replacement effort was circa 1980 ... but for various
reasons the efforts floundered (the as/400 quickly did a cisc chip to
replace the planned 801 ... but in the 90s eventually migrated to
801/risc power/pc). The followon to 4331/4341 (aka 4361/4381) were
suppose to be iliad (801/risc) ... but there was a white paper (that I
contributed to) that shot that down that effort (even tho I was working
on 801/risc for other things). In the wake of the failure of those
efforts in the earlier 80s, some number of 801/risc chip engineers left
and showup working on risc efforts at other vendors (I've posted various
old email from people worried that I might be following in their

bo evans had asked my wife to audit 8100 and shortly later it was
effectively canceled (although continued to linger on for quite some
time) ... has some amount about UC also:

old email referencing mit lisp machine group asking ibm for 801
processor ... and evans offering 8100 instead:

later one of the baby bells did a NCP & VTAM (both) emulation on
series/1 ... and outboard of mainframe ... carried sna traffic over real
networking infrastructure (mainframe vtams were told all resources were
cross-domain ... which was actually simulated outboard in redundant
infrastructure). I did a deal with the baby bell to turn it out as an
IBM product ... as well as concurrently porting from series/1 to rios
(801/risc processor used in rs/6000). Because I knew that communication
group would be out for my head ... I cut a deal with another baby bell
to underwrite all of my development costs ... with no strings attached
(their business case was that they would totally recover all my costs
within the first year just replacing 37x5/NCP with new product). The
internal politics that then happened could only be described as truth is
stranger than fiction.

part of presentation that I did at sna architecture review board meeting
in raleigh, fall of 1986:
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/99.html#67 System/1 ?
part of presentation by baby bell at series/1 common meeting
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/99.html#70 Series/1 as NCP

past posts mentioning 801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, fort knox, power,
power/pc, etc

In the previous reference about using large number of 370 3mip roman
(three) chip sets in racks ... the 801 chip was blue iliad ... which was
first 32bit 801 chip ... and design for 20mips ... although it was never
put into production (and it was a very large "hot" chip). Biggest design
problem & bottleneck was increasing problem with getting all the heat
out of the rack as ever increasing numbers of chips were packed into the
rack. old post 
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessors

mentioning series of documents that I did on the roman/iliad rack
cluster design
RMN.DD.001, Jan 22, 1985
RMN.DD.002, Mar 5, 1985
RMN.DD.003, Mar 8, 1985
RMN.DD.004, Apr 16, 1985

old email discussing 801, risc, romp, rios

there was huge amount of communication group FUD about my 3725 numbers
used in comparison/presentation ... which I pulled directly from HONE
3725 "configurator" ... HONE configurations (world-wide virtual machine
based online sales&marketing) were used by IBM sales&marketing for
configuring hardware. In the case of 3725 configurator ... performance
modeling had official communication group sanction. misc. past posts
mentioning HONE 

one of my hobbies was enhanced production operating systems for internal
datacenters ... HONE was (also) one of my long time customers since
cp67/cms days in the early 70s. that hone was actually virtual machine
based was obfuscated from most field people. There would periodically be
branch manager promoted into hdqtr executive position ... that included
HONE ... and would be horrified to find out that it was all virtual
machine based and not MVS. They would figure that they could make their
career & repudiation in the company by migrating HONE to MVS. All the
resources of HONE would be dedicated for several months on a MVS
migration until it was evident that it wouldn't work. Things would be
quietly covered up until the next branch manager promoted into the
executive position (and an attempt at another disasterous port was
made).  Finally they took to threatening HONE with they had to stop
using my enhanced operating systems ... because what would happen if I
was hit by a bus.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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