On Sep 17, 2014, at 7:26 PM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:
I worked for a WO[1] who knew where all the bodies were buried; he
never would have done anything as stupid as what you described. For
that matter, my company commander would have gotten rid of a top kick
like yours.

My chain of command was Military civilians (like in GS ) they are the ones that taught me to stick up for myself .
I guess they could get away with it with the military. They were the rulers and the military was there for the ride. "we" were a HQ company and we got away with a lot of things the rest of the members wouldn't dare. It was second nature to speak (with respect) back to people that had a higher rank. As I told one second Lt I have a job waiting for me when I get out that pays 5 times what I get out of here and I don't have to salute people straight to his face and walked away. (it helped that I sort of knew him). I had a Captain who tried to bring me up on charges 2 times and I had a solid excuse for each time. I even reported him the JAG for a poster he tore down and made him pay for it. I was sort of surprised that he ended up paying for it as I was hoping he would get court marshaled. I have several other items that I don't think this is the place to discuss them.


[1] Not somebody that I would care to cross, but I loved working
    for him; as long as the work got done, he bent over backwards
    to keep his people happy.

     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <http://patriot.net/~shmuel/resume/brief.html>
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