Nice start!

Chapter 8 could be "Book 2".  That really could end up being one very long
chapter unless you stick very close to the "IBM default recommendations",
You know, like we all do... on days that end in z.   The
maintenance/service philosophies from different folks could be chapters in
themselves.   There is of course only one correct way to do service and
that would be, well, mine.

I have tried to develop my SHARE VMSES/E Intro session and Lab into
something that most folks can walk away from and understand more about what
VMSES/E is up to and how to apply service to VM.  This is one hour lecture
and one hour lab, but it would be very easy to make it much longer given
all the possible scenario of maintenance (PTF, many PTFs, missing pre-req,
RSU, new release/version, second level -vs- first level, etc etc).  Then
beyond that is something I stress about why learning what VMSES/E is up to
is a Good Thing.  One day these folks are going to want/need to do
something more advanced like a local mod, or installing a product that has
mods or replacement TXT files, etc.  Having the 'basic advanced topics'
documented for reference would certainly help them get started.

I look forward to seeing this idea bloom more!

James Vincent
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and z/Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5547    Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 08/01/2006
04:13:08 PM:

> As promised, I've posted my take on a book outline for new z/VM system
> programmers. I'd appreciate comments and extensions to the topics (and
> if people see sections they'd volunteer to write, I'd be thrilled). I
> think a lot of the material will be reading the IBM stuff and casting it
> into our own words, but we can also improve on same...8-)
> Note that the document is marked copyrighted by the VM Community Trust
> -- this is simply to avoid one of the commercial publishers picking it
> up and misusing it. I would intend this document to be owned by the VM
> community and maintained by same (in the same vein as Melinda Varian's
> classic "What Mother Never Told You About VM Service"). If we get
> further with this, I'll set up a non-profit to hold the copyrights so
> that it remains in the public trust. This was very successful for some
> items on Usenet.
> The proposed outline is available at:
> Comments are welcome, and should be posted to me and to the list.
> -- db

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