Title: RE: Feedback requested on proposed DDR requirements

In principle I totally agreee with you.
I bit of a road block may be that most if not all TMS's, including the one IBM sells, have thier own dasd dump/restore programms that support SL tapes.

I would be in favor of an optional dump parameter 'LABEL=YES' to change the way labels are handled.



-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU]On
Behalf Of Brian Nielsen
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:42 PM
Subject: Feedback requested on proposed DDR requirements

I'm putting together requirements for DDR to support interfacing with tape
management systems and using labeled tapes.  I'd like some feedback from
other interested parties on my first draft:

Requirement: When running under CMS, DDR should allow interfacing with
tape management systems during EOV processing and allow the tape
management system to control the tape drive during such processing.

Justification: Tape management systems and DDR are integral components of
Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation.  Interfacing these two
vital components minimizes a major risk factor to successful Disaster
Recovery by insuring that the correct tapes are mounted (via labeled
tapes) and through automation of the associated record keeping. 
Operational control at EOV is improved via the usage of the interface and
functionality provided by the tape management system vs the HCPERP2233I
message from CP.

Requirement: DDR should support skipping labels on multivolume input tapes.

Justification: This is required if DDR interfaces with a tape management
system that supports labeled tapes.  Without this support standalone DDR
cannot restore from multivolume labeled tapes.  CMS DDR may not have an
operatinal tape management system available to position multivolume input
tapes beyond any tape label.

I was wondering if it would also be appropriate to include a list of
customers interested in seeing these requirements implemented.

Brian Nielsen

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