On Thursday, 05/03/2007 at 07:35 EST, Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > No, no new pipelines stages.
> That's simply b.s....please see Rob van der Heij's "What's New with CMS
> Pipelines"  presentation from the zExpo last month. There are at least 5
> new Pipes stages that have been introduced and others are on the way.

You're right, Dave, I was using hyperbole to make a point (damn that 
Chuckie): there are few new stages.

> No, no new PL/I compiler. They are also
> > nothing to sneeze at considering those investments are being made at a
> > time when z/VM's value to IBM is its ability to compete in the virtual
> > server arena.
> > As soon as the market signals its willingness to substitute "CMS
> > application development" where it currently says "large scale
> > virtualization", then you will get dizzy as we swing the development
> > engine to focus on CMS.  As long as it keeps selling new hardware.
> >
> But the market will not signal it's willingness until it sees that IBM
> (the owner of CMS after all) is committed to the platform and that they
> can be sure it will be around for awhile. Why invest time and money if
> IBM is not willing to do so.....especially if the development community
> knows that, e.g., there are versions of the new z/OS PL/I compilers that
> are available for CMS, but IBM chooses not to release them for that
> environment.....?

Well, it's been nigh on 40 years that CMS has been around.  Seems like a 
committment to me.  CMS is here to stay.  If all the people with z/OS get 
z/VM and [re]discover CMS, who knows what might happen?  "Never say die!"

Your post gives the impression that we have a new PL/I compiler sitting 
here on CMS that we don't want to ship.  If such a thing exists, I've 
never seen it or heard of it.

> And you'd be wrong, with all do respect...that is not the feed back I am
> getting from my young, recent college graduate that I am teaching VM to
> these days. Once they get past the 3270 hurdles, they think the CMS
> environment is waaaay cool. And the way to get them past the 3270
> hurdles is to simply demo to them that the 3270 interface is *exactly*
> like filling in a form on a web browser...you can only type in certain
> areas, and nothing happens until you click on the 'submit" button...they
> grok that right away.

I said what *I'd* do, having spent nearly 30 years programming on 
keypunches, 2741s and 3270s.  OTOH, if I'm going to be a sysprog, then I'd 
much rather do that on z (VM, please) with my trusty 3270.  [Please 
forgive me.  I'm not a fan of SCRIPT/VS, either.  I prefer WYSIWYG 
document editors.]

I think their grass is greener than mine....

The place CMS really shines is as a scripting tool.  That was a major 
motivation for the ldap client programs and is what is driving the demand 
for snmp and ssh clients.  Requirements that deal with this aspect of CMS 
have a much better chance, I think, of being satisfied.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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