Has anyone written a third party OS that can easily replace CMS? I mean, CMS, 
despite being tightly integrated to all things VM, is in the final analysis, 
"just another Host OS" isn't it? Surely over 40 years someone has written 
something that can be used to replace it, perhaps something open source?

--- Begin Message ---
> >By "business as usual", I mean that IBM continually withdraws
> >from the marketplace, even some that people are using.  

Granted. IBM has that privilege, no argument. We rarely force you to
change your mind on these issues (at least where it really counted,
somebody took a risk continuing VM development, with obvious results).

It's sad to accept that CMS won't be the application hosting solution in
the future -- I think it's a mistake, but like Mike Walter, this is a
battle we probably can't win, and pretty much it won't be a win to try.
So what do we do?

> >It's true that if there is no
> >replacement product from IBM, and no 3rd-party substitute, then, yes,
> >application is eventually re-hosted or discontinued completely.  And
> >sometimes on a non-IBM, non-Linux platform.  IBM makes the decisions
> >makes and has to live with the consequences.

I think the best mitigation for those consequences would be to provide
some type of migration aid. 

So, I'd really like to turn the discussion back to the original
question: what do we need and how do we get from the existing CMS-based
environment to a new environment?

--- End Message ---

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