No. No. No. No. No.


We use LOGONBY as a means of controlling who is allowed to log on to group ids 
and tracking what they do. None of those other commands would be useful or 
necessary in that context. Giving those permissions  would negate, or at least 
complicate, our ability to track who did what when. Further, we would not want 
one user to be able to alter or compromise the functions being performed by 
another who was already logged on via LOGONBY. SEND, FORCE, and SIGNAL SHUTDOWN 
certainly have that potential, for example.


Most of what is listed could be useful only to someone who is really 
knowledgeable about the functions of the virtual machine. They are also mostly 
useful in looking after service machines. They are not useful to someone who is 
a more naïve user who logs on to a group id to perform simple functions or to 
run an application program, and could be somewhat dangerous if abused, 
accidentally or on purpose, by such a person. It is the latter group that we 
must protect against by not giving them authorities that they will never need. 
The former group probably has the knowledge needed to function without the 
added authority. 


Richard Schuh 



There are some who believe that the authority to LOGON BY to a user should
implicitly allow:
- SEND (a la class C)


Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support 

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