On Nov 8, 2007 2:40 PM, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Marty asked: "*RPS miss (show of hands: who remembers what that was?*)"
> Not being in the office tomorrow, it's Friday a day early for me.  So how
> 'bout:
> - *R*ock *P*aper *S*cissors
> - *R*evolutions *P*er *S*econd
> - *R*adiation* P*rotection *S*uit

This post reminds me of poster I had, oh about, 20 years ago.  It was a
poster of the letters CICS, and each of the letters was made of an acronym
for CICS -
*C*an *I*t *C*ook *S*oup
*C*ould *I*t *C*ure *S*eizures
etc.. etc.. etc...

In a fit of stupidity I left that poster at the old office when I took a new
job.  Has anyone seen that poster?  Know if it's possible to find another?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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