Back in the 1970s dark ages Mitre used a Chrono-Log clock to set the 360/50 
clock for OS/360 and (I'm pretty sure) the 370/145 for VM/370 (Release 1 PLC 9, 
for those feeling competitive). That eliminated system operator creativity in 
guessing or mistyping the time's second/minute/hour/day/year/century as 
apparently had happened before I arrived.

I'm happy to announce that Googling chronolog clock
finds about 338,000 hits including the company's current Web site 
<> which proudly notes, "For over 40 years, Chrono-log 
Corporation has been meeting industry needs for accurate, reliable, economical and versatile time display 
systems". It notes that "Time [is] derived from GPS, WWV/ACTS(NIST)". If the 360/50 and 
370/145 could accept external clock data I'd hope that today's mainframes also could.

The fourth search hit is for a 7090/7094 simulator program document dated 
January 2007(!). So the Chrono-log product family has quite a long tail!

Dave Jones said:

If you have the 'prompt' IPL option enabled, when you first bring up CP it asks you (prompts....) for the date and time. I am unaware of any optional piece of hardware that would allow VM to automatically set it's clock via an accurate electronic source such as the Navy Observatory.

Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc.          (703) 204-0433
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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