On Feb 27, 2009, at 8:15 PM, Ivan Warren wrote:

I must've been traumatized more than I thought when it happened to me once and didn't take the necessary precautions (I was young.. innocent..)

We've all been there. In my case, it was a VM/XA SP 2.1 system with a 48 MB V=R area in anticipation of upgrading the 3081 from 48 MB to 64 MB. They had to back-out the memory upgrade, and I couldn't IPL CP on a 48 MB box. And, sadly, I didn't have an IPL'able tape I could use to restore the old nucleus, which had the old 40 MB V=R area. MVS ran native for three days, until they could do the upgrade again.

(It feels so weird writing memory sizes like "48 MB." These days, that's an MP3 file or two.)

Young, sure, but in my case, more "stupid" than "innocent." But I never made that mistake again.

(going back to my corner now..)

Here, we'll give you a roll of teddy bears to hand out while you're there in the corner.


Nick the Ardent

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