More feedback (1 = gotta have it now, 4 = when you have a lot of free time)

> - TOC simplification and consistency (avoid useless divisions of
> information)

3. We're used to it by now, and the PDF manuals don't really exhibit this 
problem too badly. 

> - PDF bookshelf and search enhancements


> -  Better education within the context of the Library on how to
> effectively access it with available tools.  I mean, I had just learned
> about the Advanced Linguistic Plug-in a few days before Michael Forte
> and
> others posted on the subject..  "Who knew?"

4. Stop inventing custom tools for this. Stick to common stuff like PDF and 
ePub. Everyone else has. 

> - A Linux version of the Information Center

4. If you must. BTW, there is a open-source Linux version of pdfindex. 

> - Better bulk packaging of the Library so that it is easily moved
> around.

2. A write-locked USB drive or SD card format would be handy. A 32G SD card 
will hold the entire z/OS and z/VM (and most of the z/VSE) libraries 
(recommended accessory before you go out in the field, Alan...). 

> - New formats for mobile and e-book devices.  There oughtta be an app
> for
> that, eh?

1. There are very good PDF and ePub readers already out there. 

> - Tools to transform BOOK files into reasonable PDFs, even if only a
> meager EXPORT function in BookManager READ.

Can I wish for a LIST3820 to PDF converter too? Even if it produces crappy 
rasterized 200 dpi page images in the PDF, there is a need. 

> and that it might be good to have some of these addressed before BOOKs
> are
> removed.


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