Not sure I quite follow what you're asking. If it's a permanent move (ie shut 
it down here, start it up there), then you use DDR to copy the disks holding 
the guest to tape (or disk if you have CMSDDR), create a matching userid on the 
other LPAR and use DDR to restore the tape copy to disk. You'll need to log 
into the console of the virtual machine, make any temporary changes to 
networking using ifconfig and route to get network access to the new copy, and 
then use your favorite system management tool to make the network changes 

The copy step looks something like this (disk at 150, tape at 181):

INPUT 150 3390
OUTPUT 181 3490
<blank line>

Do this for each minidisk/volume attached to the Linux guest. SHUT IT DOWN 
before copying it or you won't get a usable copy.

Now if you're trying to do it dynamically, that's a larger problem involving 
CSE and a bunch of stuff. Too big for a note like this.

Can you explain further what you're trying to do?

-- db

From: Michael Forte <<>>
Reply-To: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 17:48:06 -0600
To: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
Subject: Need advice on moving a Linux guest from one z/VM LPAR to another

Hi members of the outstanding z/VM community!

I need advice or a pointer to documentation (if available? presentations, 
official publications, Redbooks...) on how to move a Linux guest from one z/VM 
LPAR to another. Now, I know this couldprobably be pieced together from an 
assortment of z/VM product documentation or multiple Redbooks, but I am hoping 
someone in this community has done this before. Even a set of high-level 
"steps" would prove invaluable.

Does anyone have any insight?

z/VM 6.1, SLES 11, all FICON.

Thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Michael J. Forte
z/OS Storage ID (and on assignment with STG Lab Services and Training)
Software Engineer, System z Information Solutions 58HA
IBM Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

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