My "watchdog machine" as you call it, is the PROP running
in OPERATOR. At each logoff of a user, my RELOG EXEC checks if:
a) Is RELOGing in effect? If yes, then continue to check if:
b) This user must be on at all times unconditionally
c) This user must be on IF certain conditions apply - and checks the

The exec that is run when SHUTTRAP catches a shutdown signal
starts its work by signaling PROP to turn off reloging.
Only after that does it start bringing down the various machines it is
responsible to stop.

If I were to cancel the SHUTDOWN, I would have to re-enable RELOGing,
but to date I have not built in such a function. I have also never cancelled
a SHUTDOWN, so if it ever happens, I will need to do the enable manually.
(Of course, I better document this, or my successor won't know why RELOG
stopped working...)


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 12:21 AM, Schuh, Richard <> wrote:

> Given the lack of direction, I suppose that you can do almost anything, so
> long as you are consistent. There is no right or wrong, so logging off will
> work so long as the watchdog machine does not bring logged off users back
> on.

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