>> Have we heard a trainer, breeder, or seller of Icelandic Horses claim
>> that
>> the horses can carry a 300 lb man all day?
> i've never heard an icelander make such claims.

Here's an excerpt (attached) from an article written from an interview with
Steinar, Diddi's son.

That's just one instance; I believe it's been stated by other imported
trainers with the amount at 250 lbs.

On one breeder's site, in regard to a horse for sale, it includes the
following comment:

"the professional trainers from Iceland that saw her say she could easily
carry 350 lbs".

In a horse magazine, one importer says: "Icelandics are powerful enough to
carry a 300-pound man over tough terrain on long trail rides."

>>>it is however common
> practice in iceland to go out on a trip with multiple horses, so that
> you can change horses (perhaps several times a day) and the others rest
> when they're not taking their turn carrying you.  so i don't think it's
> typical in iceland to ride a single horse on an all-day trip.

Yes, I think that's true.

I don't understand why they would try to change that to say differently just
to sell horses, when it's not true and may not be in the best interests of
the horse.

> i love your webpage with tips for horses for large people!  i will be
> printing this out and posting it in my barn for the benefit of some of
> our larger riders and people (like me!) who sometimes have large people
> riding their horses.

Great; thanks!


<<attachment: articlesteinar2a.jpg>>

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