On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 06:30:56PM -0800, Marshall T. Rose wrote:
> i agree. i'm not asking that we publish RFCs in any new formats. i'm
> suggesting that we experiment for 9 months in the I-D area.

One of the absolute best reasons to use the XML stuff (beyond the many
other stated reasons) is the fact that Marshall has been graciously
maintaining a bibliography on xml.resource.org that makes building
your references section _much_ easier. If we do experiment with
XML in the internet-drafts repository I really do think we should
either migrate Marshall's bibliography or help him maintain it.

The other thing that would be nice is a way of getting all of the
authors current contact info in one place and up to date. 


Michael Mealling        |      Vote Libertarian!       | www.rwhois.net/michael
Sr. Research Engineer   |   www.ga.lp.org/gwinnett     | ICQ#:         14198821
Network Solutions       |          www.lp.org          |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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