> i need a list of well known spamming sites for my institute's new mail
server. can anyone help me? the new mail server runs the courier imap server
with qmail on RH 9.0.

Check out spamassassin @ www.spamassassin.org and the Open Relay Database @
www.ordb.org. Please do note that neither of these methods will give you
100% spam prevention. You will get a few false positives (i.e. correct mail
tagged as spam) and a lots of false negetives with spamassassin. And you
will have a few people not being able to send mail to your users regularly.
The ordb database seems to be decent, but my experience has been that it is
mostly legitimate mail that is stopped by ordb RBL. You can set up
spamassasin so that any mails tagged as spam has the subject line rewritten
or the message sent to a seperate spam box.

I administer a few commercial servers providing web space and email
facility. My experience with spam has been that it is best to ask users to
set up and maintain a spam software. You can install spamassassin on the
server and provide users an option to do the filtering on the server. Using
ORDB can be a pain, as I have seen that a lot of legitimate mails get
blocked by ordb enabled relays. One recent example of this was a customer
comming to me and telling me that one of my mail relays was functioning as
an open relay. It turned out that the relay in question was of Mantra
Online. If major ISPs can get listed in an RBL, then the whole idea of the
RBL goes out of the window, as it causes major headaches for everyone. OTOH
if everyone starts using a relatively sane RBL like ORDB, then at least most
techs at ISPs would be better educated.

Ambar Roy

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