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On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 04:29:00AM +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
Sandip>:) and also about sometimes not having choice. I know (and I am occasionally
Sandip>one of these) many people who have to use Windoze bozes because of
Sandip>requirements at job. If that is the time that they have to keep up with the
Sandip>list, they will use what they have to communicate. As long as the community
Sandip>benefits from the participation of that individual, I dont think it should
Sandip>make a huge difference what software the person is using... 
Sandip>Yes, using OSS software is a good demonstration of what we are preaching, but
Sandip>when we can't use it, we respect the compulsions(if any) of the person to not
Sandip>use it at that point of time ...

A lot of GNU alternatives are available on the windows platform too. 
if only someone would try to make an effort. I think mozilla plus its
mail client runs just as well on windows. there is sylpheed.

http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/hi/index.html GNuwin2 is there.

But, I am not judging anyone here. And my original reply was not
intended to make Tarun look bad, guilty or anything it was to Shuvam 
but it invariably did that.

Raju>oh, I don't know.  You could be a lawyer who fights cases for the free
Raju>software community pro bono, but still not use, want to use or know
Raju>how to use Linux or *BSD.  Does that make you less of a contributor to
Raju>the free software community?  IMO it's not a good idea to judge
Raju>people's ideals by what technology they use, in general.

No, no one should be judged and no one should explain why he uses
windows. but, is it really so hard to shift to an open source email
client that debating about it on the mailing list seems like an easier

I volunteer to download, install and personaly train Tarun if he can/
he wishes to shift to mozilla. and if mozilla dsnt comes up to his
expectations as an email client he shouldnt be promoting or looking 
for ways to make any case stronger for opensource.

I dont think henry ford ever bought a volksvagan. 

- ---end quoted text---
- -- 
all the things we keep inside,
are the things that really matter,
the face puts on its best disguise,
and all is well, until the heart betrays.
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