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On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 12:29:16AM -0400, Tarun Upadhyay wrote:
Tarun>I will bite (and change my email client) if somebody can show me an email
Tarun>client that can talk to MS-Exchange (and yes, I do need those shared folders
Tarun>and shared calendars !!) and please do not get me started on why I need
Tarun>shared calendars integrated with my email client. If you have never used,
Tarun>you will never understand it.
        Actully I do. Its the same reason that drives people to buy
        Microsoft office. The same reason people send you a MS word
        templates when you show intrest in writing in their magazines
        and neither your talking about the need to deprecate properietry
        file formats nor your telling them that alternative softwares
        exist has any effect on them. The editor uses MS word and that 
        is an answer you cant do anything about.
Tarun>Alternatively, show me a good open source alternative to  MS-Exchange that
Tarun>does that on server side - reliably. I know of an obscure product from
Tarun>Samsung but other than that in my ten years of managing systems (linux and
Tarun>windows included), I have not seen any. Last year, I got desperate even
Tarun>asked the question on slashdot But did not get any good replies, so I have
Tarun>little hopes from linux-delhi.
        look at ximian evolution. it does all the things you are
        cribbing about.
Tarun>Hell, I will raise the bar and even offer $69 (my outlook license fee) for
Tarun>anybody who can convince me that there exist an alternative (open source) to
Tarun>outlook-exchange that is at least as reliable and allows me to share my
Tarun>calendar and contact database with my colleagues (with security that I can
Tarun>configure from my client and not from server).
        There is something called ximian connect. take a look.

Tarun>I do not want to sound as if I like Microsoft or Outlook a lot. I feel
Tarun>equally sad that there are no good open source alternatives and do hope that
Tarun>one comes up. However, pretending that there exist one when there isnt any
Tarun>will not get us anywhere (nor will ridiculing people who use Outlook). There
Tarun>might be people for whom open source is a principle in life and they are
Tarun>willing to live with anything but would use only open source software. For
Tarun>me, using open source tools is preferable and valuable but not at the cost
Tarun>of quality and productivity. 
        The point is not about the lack of alternatives. Alternatives
        exist. there is always more then one way to do it.

        The problem lies with people. people do not want to
        change. People want to continue doing things just as they have
        been doing. a "new" however "better" solution is unacceptable.
        if linuxlingam would try making "me" change form mutt to kmail
        he has a might tough job on his hands.

- -- 
all the things we keep inside,
are the things that really matter,
the face puts on its best disguise,
and all is well, until the heart betrays.
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