> That is something advocacy should take care of, by
> FOSS members.
> Web crawlers are also useful in this regard ... (1)

How exactly do you see web crawlers advocating a new
resource to newbies? Don't you think they need
something to crawl first, possibly pages which talk
about what the new resource is and how it should be

When I say advocacy - I mean taking concrete steps to
_Actually_ advocate whatever you mentioned. Lets see
you _do_ it.   See further statements for what I mean.

> ... and how many people across India _use_ or
> connect to the Internet?

Of course, I assumed you were savvy enough to realize
that I meant those who have access to a computer and
the web. You're *obviously* not going to go ask
farmers in Mizoram whether they use wikis or not.
We're talking about people who attend events like
Freedel, Foss.in, various OSS conferences, people who
are web savvy, Linux and OSS savvy, and know what
we're talking about. Don't overgeneralize. 

> 1. Advocacy.
> 2. Advocacy.
> 3. Adovcacy.

This is what I call trolling. We _Know_ you want to
advocate this. HOW do you suggest we advocate? TV ads?
More email messages? IRC conversations? Pamphlets?
Lets have a list of concrete steps.

 > That is what most Indians in India do, ask someone
> else to do or put
> the blame on others. Not new to me :)

Yes, and you've just established yourself as their
leader. Instead of taking a dig at people, and giving
us a valid but completely useless list, maybe you can
provide us with a list of things to actually do.
Assume we're clueless and look upon you for

Seriously. Why don't _you_ step out from the ranks of
what you assume are people with no initiative and show
some yourself?

Viksit Gaur           

viksit at aya dot yale dot edu

Just because you have a mind like a hammer doesn't mean you should treat 
everyone else like a nail - Terry Pratchett

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