
My thoughts below:

On 1/9/07, Viksit Gaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - How many people would use it?
> -- Well?

That should not matter. When you start with something new, like a user
group or wiki, which the Indian community (that I have seen) at large
are not exposed to, it takes time for them to understand and work with
the system. Rome was not built in a day, so is any other user group.
You have to be very patient, really, really patient.

It is also *essential* for the members to guide/advocate to the
newbies about the user group and wiki. Advocacy+Guidance are very,
very important. It can't be done overnight or in few weeks. It takes
months, sometimes years. But, when it is done there is no looking
back. Trust me on this one.

> - What would they use it for?
> -- Perhaps official LUG project planning.

1. Documentation.


2. Resource/event planning.



3. Announcements.


4. Information.


> The wiki is going to go nowhere unless a
> lot of users begin to use it to do things.

Not really. Even if there are few people who are contributing lot of
articles to the wiki, it is still valuable information, because,
people will still read it.

Yes, we would like more contributors, but, when we start, we start
small, and as time goes by we will grow in strength.



Shakthi Kannan

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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