
On 1/9/07, Viksit Gaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How exactly do you see web crawlers advocating a new
> resource to newbies?

Google search returns documentation pages from wiki sites?

> Lets see
> you _do_ it.   See further statements for what I mean.

Hmmm ...  http://www.shakthimaan.com/work.html ... (1)

> Of course, I assumed you were savvy enough to realize
> that I meant those who have access to a computer and
> the web. You're *obviously* not going to go ask
> farmers in Mizoram whether they use wikis or not.

Of course, yeah. We want to achieve wide coverage of FLOSS in India,
not just the metropolitan cities ... (2)

> We're talking about people who attend events like
> Freedel, Foss.in, various OSS conferences, people who
> are web savvy, Linux and OSS savvy, and know what
> we're talking about.

See (2) above.

> This is what I call trolling. We _Know_ you want to
> advocate this. HOW do you suggest we advocate? TV ads?
> More email messages? IRC conversations? Pamphlets?
> Lets have a list of concrete steps.

Need to go to schools/colleges and do workshops, conduct FLOSS Install
Fests et. al, support people in IRC, mailing lists, participate in

Pamphlets are a good idea. ILUG-BOM have started one.

> Seriously. Why don't _you_ step out from the ranks of
> what you assume are people with no initiative and show
> some yourself?

See (1) above.



Shakthi Kannan

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