*Goals for LinuxAsia 2007*

*Goal #1: *Promote open source driven innovation so that India can showcase
a minimum of 20 globally recognised OSS projects at LinuxAsia 2008.
 *>>Ms *Promote Vista & all
Goal #2: *Accelerate the adoption of Linux and open source software by
highlighting their advantages, sharing success stories, and discussing
strategies on how CXOs can gain advantage from both "open source" and
"proprietary" worlds.
>>adoption of Ms
Goal #3:* To provide a platform where other organisations with OSS-related
agendas can hold their own sub-events and network with the entire community.
>>Commercial n non OSS-related agendas by MS

from the three goal listed on the main site of LA2007 don't we think that
ms sponsorship just for the sake of money contradict our own goals.
every thing is not money though i realise that organiser of LA2007  have  to
face  lot of problems for
managing the event but accepting ms fully contradict the moral values of
goals framed.

Honey Singh
3rd yr

Honey Singh
3rd yr
my Music Video:-
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