On 2/8/07, Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 00:30 +0530, Anupam Jain wrote:
> [...]
> I have mixed views on Microsoft's participation in the event.
> Personally, I feel that it is up to LFY to decide. Given that
> Linux Asia is by no stretch of the imagination a community
> event, and, the name notwithstanding, is hardly a beacon for the
> promotion of free software, I see no reason for us to get overly
> exercised.

Well even if Linux Asia was important to FOSS, I'd still find no
reason to get excited.

> > I liked ILUGD better when it wasn't committee-ised and decisions were
> > not taken by individuals for the whole LUG. The freedom to fork is
> > good but not the decision to do so on the slightest of provocation.
> > It's not prudent to fragment the community like this.
> However, I will take strong exception to this snark, as you have been
> repeating this baseless canard. Would you clarify what exactly you
> mean by "...committee-ised and decisions were not taken by individuals
> for the whole LUG", and what was your basis for making that rather
> dramatic accusation? As has been intimated on this list, the decision
> not to participate was made by voting among people present at ILUG-D
> meetings, and was made before we were aware of Microsoft participation.
> Though some people in ILUG-D have strong viewpoints on this, there was
> no fatwa issued against participation, and, in fact, many ILUG-D members
> apparently did participate, and some even enjoyed it. Please
> substantiate your allegations, or post a public retraction.

Now I have been totally misunderstood it seems. I never said anyone
was pressurized not to go. Just that for me ILUGD has been primarily
this mailing list and I did not see a very public discussion on the
mailing list before everything was done and over. The "committee"
related decisions of ILUGD have been mostly off the list. I don't care
usually except that in this case I think the decision was very wrong,
something that would not have been so casually taken had there been a
real free-for-all discussion on the same. My ILUGD boycotting a Linux
event! Really! MS or no MS, that's a bit much.

Please don't take it personally, I'm not saying I could have taken a
better decision. I'm saying *we* all could have.

Anupam Jain

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