--- Anupam Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> They are not nil and I will vouch for it. Read my
> Haskell post for an
> example. Go to research.microsoft.com and you'll
> realise that
> Microsoft engineers contribute a lot in terms of
> ideas (though their
> code may still be under MS' control). And I
> personally know atleast
> one person in working in Microsoft who is an avid
> Linuxer. Whatever

 Anupam, what is the overall equation? One avid
linuxer against a gang of anti linux activist?
  There was one OSS pro person from M$ in LA. Still,
junior executives distribute properitary software at
CXO summit and demonstrate Vista and Office 2007. It
appears paradox in saying and doing is the core of M$.
It is difficult to believe that an organization
boasting of corporate culture would be stupid enough,
not to brief the executives properly!!

 Points raised by you in favour of M$ are perfectly
valid. But one individual is easy to woo. M$ has baits
for every fish in OSS ocean. Whether you avoid the
bait or eat it is upto you.

Engineers normally have problem with every solution. If not they have  a 
solution in search of a problem.


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distinction is yours to draw...

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