> 2008/6/2 Raj Mathur <raju <at> linux-delhi.org>:
> > Some people (including me) are neutral to code that doesn't run on their
> > primary processor.  For instance, I'd complain if you gave me a
> > non-free driver for my WiFi card, but I wouldn't if you gave me a free
> > driver that downloads a binary blob to the card itself.  The blob isn't
> > running on my CPU, so I'm less antagonistic to it being non-free.
> >

Praveen A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> But, doesn't you own both the CPUs? It is like saying you cannot break
> my leg, but it is OK to break my finger.

I think the problem here is that historically a lot of these blobs were
running off the cpu as:

1. hardware
2. firmware

and didn't come wrapped up in the kernel.

When the move was made to making the off-cpu stuff cheaper by doing
the stuff in payload code carried (but not executed) by the kernel, the
manufacturer lost sight of the fact that while the function remained the
same, GPL distribution conditions applied. I don't see it as a failing of
GPL v2 for such special cases, and there is a violation - it's just not
truly evil in intention.

> Also the owner still keeps the right to modify the code where as the
> user is left in the dark, isn't that the whole of the issue? Where is
> runs is just a matter of technical design.
> When the owner of the code has the ability to control code and the
> user is left at mercy of the owner the issue of Freedom comes.

The intention was not to get around GPL, which is what I understand Raj to
mean when he says he is less antagnostic.

Talking about breaking fingers and legs, in that analogy, for this less evil
case it is an accident - it is not on purpose - that your finger/leg was broken.

Though, yeah, it's still been broken (fingers/legs/GPL), and ideally the source
should be available.


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